The New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania regions of Master Networks are led by our Regional Partner/Director, operated by the Regional Advisory Board, and built by our Area Directors.
Together, we run as the "TriState Region."
Meet our leaders…
As "Member #1" Tina started the TriState Region from scratch, asking local business owners to join her networking group. Those humble beginnings grew into over 25 chapters across four states. She continues to serve and mentor business owners across the country.
Contact MeRob originally became a member to grow his business, but soon realized the impact he could make through building networking chapters. Today, he focuses on building the TriState Region to be the most impactful networking organization of its kind.
Contact MeThe Regional Advisory Board (RAB) was formed by engaging the minds of our region's top leaders in contributing ideas and plans in order to put the members' experience first. The Board meets regularly to create awareness around challenges and brainstorm solutions that benefit our members.
As President of the Regional Advisory Board, Sami leads the unified team of advisors to work towards continually raising the member experience. As Events Advisor she coordinates the monthly in-person events.
Contact MeAs a natural example of our culture, Stephanie works to preserve it by running all initiatives through the culture lens, ensuring that our members' interests are at the heart of all we do.
Contact MeMaggie utilizes her background in IT to help the TriState Region become a well-oiled machine using the best technology tools, leveraging them so we can focus on our members.
Contact MeTheresa is geared towards productivity and communication, making her extremely effective at assembling training that helps our members level up their skills to do better business.
Contact MeWith a background in business growth, Rick brings a wealth of knowledge on strategies to build thriving chapters, which contribute to opportunities for our members to prosper.
Contact MeWith a mind that naturally gravitates towards the best way to execute a strategy, Jason helps to advise the Board on the most efficient processes for implementing plans to grow the Region.
Contact MeWith a lifetime career in health and beauty Donna keeps our members in all-around peak health so that they can give their all in helping clients and customers.
Contact MeAs a Certified Maxwell Trainer, Jim brings his extensive knowledge on how to raise great leaders in order to help members reach their potential in business.
Contact MeThese leaders guide chapters towards growth using education and motivation. They are dedicated to helping members receive the most value for their membership, working closely with both regional and chapter leadership to increase opportunities for our members.
The only way to find out if Master Networks is truly a good fit, is for you to experience one of our amazing virtual chapter meetings.
Reach out to us below to find one that works for you.